How to Read the Continuation of Battle Through the Heavens

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Well, this is another one that people usually find when searching the world of chinese novels at the start. It tends to be pretty good to newcomers, but is pretty much trash just like tales of demons and gods. Good enough to kill some time with when you're new.

Seriously, it's one of the most cliché novels out there. I don't even care to list them all, but just a few, grandpa in a ring, the way he powers up, his reasons for powering up etc... Yeah, nah. It doesn't help that it's also ridiculously repetitive. Even newcomers will, sooner or later, get sick of it(at least the novel version) because it's so damn repetitive. Same thing happens again and again, always the same, he just reaches higher power levels and goes to a new area to start from zero again and to do the same thing, getting chased around, killing clans and whatever else.

Nothing to see here. Might be a good one if you're new and want to see clichés, but don't stay too long, there are so many better works out there.

Uhm... why do the spirit mentors always look like bishies in the comic version? While in the novel they are demon spirits in the form of a rat or wizened old men (as is the case in "Doupo Cangqiong"). Don´t get it.

I prefer the manhua as most chinese novel translations sound a bit weird to me. Reason: dialogue structure is turned around and the novels are very longwinded and oftentimes repetitive. The Harry Potter book series is way shorter than some I´ve seen


After reading around 70 chapters of Doupo Cangqiong I must say that it is my favorite xianxia manhua this far. Why? Many reasons. It is not as repetitive as some others I´ve read. The MC actually often needs help to win though he is a bit too genius at procuring said help. Likeable characters are actually dying or parting ways. The humor is fun to me in places and does not repeat too often (everything from going moe about a "baby snake" to jokes about the MC´s non-existing love life). I like the master-disciple relationship which reminds me a bit of Sai and Hikaru in Hikaru no Go. The plot follows the main story line even if it´s not always noticeable. Someone used to complain about it veering off because the MC had long adventures in foreign countries - it´s actually still part of the plot as he promised his master to collect all the essence flames in order to revive him.

Of course it still got the usual clichees and inconsistencies that are haunting all works of this genre. A big minus to me is the timeline mismanagement, there are so many time jumps that make no sense to me. The MC recovered his powers when he was 15 and at the time of the 3-year-promise is 20? Maths?

@Izhy This morals is typical for xianxia/wuxia. They show a different culture we don´t understand, way more war-oriented.

... Last updated on February 16th, 2018, 9:02am

Better read the Novel. the story it self is not so original however it's still a fun ride to read. However one thing that really make the experience really dreadful for me was the watermark. not one, not two but three watermark on each page. it's too much. the point reading a manhwa or manhua is the color experience meaning it's more eye candy. don't get me wrong, but i know that the translator probably not removing it due to either not having a cleaner or have to put it out of respect or other means but cmon at least remove the middle watermark

In the first place this is just like many other Manhuas and Manhwas, I've seen the same story so many times it's just dumb, change the setting a tiny bit and there you go yet another spirit and martial arts hybrid crap. And why, why must they always make them harems? Try to be a little original at least, not even the characters have anything to offer, just takes the mold of other series and copies it and I don't know if this is a translation issue or what but please use distinctive names!!!! there are 2 Xiao Er, then Xiao Yi Xian, Yan, Yian, Ying wtf? so confusing and even worse the translator keeps using different names for the same character, the only unusual thing is that this guy goes around killing and stealing as he sees fit but hey he's good to the ladies so he's a hero!
The one good thing this series do better than other similar ones is explain better the background, be it the place, the mystical beasts, the spirits or the techniques it takes a few panels each time to try to explain what they are and how they fit and scale into the rest. It still doesn't make much sense to me but so many other series just spout nonsense and don't bother to justify or explain it that it's a welcome change.

Dropped at ch36, it keeps getting further and further away from the main plot and became "the unexpected adventures of the genius boy in a mystical land of incongruity".

On a whim I tried this one again, almost dropped it again on the same chapter and then again around chapter 50 or so, can't remember. Luckily after that it becomes better. It's still an unoriginal generic shounen but it's at least decent.

... Last updated on August 31st, 2017, 10:07am

So it's up to the writer to make up one, as long as it still interesting. And I found this series is really interesting. From the character, power level, the relationship it's keep evolving. Although the story is full with coincidence but after that the writer can make it up with the connection with a long previous chapter.
This manga teach us that if you do good, the universe will do you good even if it's a COINCIDENCE. And I'm fine with that.

I loved it! I was so hooked into animes.. then mangas.. but when i learnt of Korean manhwa.. i just love colored manga. But what stands out the most is... yes. this is the colored manga version.

Manga- no color
Manhwa - colored but stories and drawing eats a lot of space. more on visual. no back story
Manhua - colored. and full of stories. every chapter is full of details.

I find this manhua very character like xiao yan.from weak to strong and having a great talent.i hope xiao yan is an op character.hahah pls raw,update soon,miss the daily updates.and the master-student relationship is just awwh.

P/s this isnt my first manhua/chinese webtoon or whatever u call it.
I prefer this more than douluo dalu.xD
Dont judge everyone has their own preferences.

... Last updated on September 1st, 2015, 12:35pm

... but can't, given I have already read it and get hooked by the girls (yeah I said it right... the blink2 girls ;9). Regardless, the truth must be said, even it's bitter. Okay let's start reviewing:

Plot: Another nonsensical world setting filled by nonsensical story n played by nonsensical character.
First, If it's really survival of the fittest world setting, then it should be post-apocalypstic world setting: No civilization, full of cheating opportunistic bastard, and heartless interaction (Desert Punk is the one of the best series who can describe this) given we can't trust each other. N yet, the world seems fine as it is, n somehow there's a big "order" is applied here (represented by institution like clan, school, auction, etc.)

Think about it, if the strongest can get what he want, then there will be no auction right?! U can just rob them all!!! Oh wait, but of course we can't... after all, there's should be someone so strong n have noble heart will rule and control the society right? Or at least, the clan will apply some common sense n make a peaceful society right?... n that's where the non-sensical character came.

Character: While there's actually an order is prevailed in the world setting, almost all the character (especially antagonist) doesn't have common sense of society. They just trampling (punching, kicking, or even killing) weak people all they want (sometimes in front of teacher on top of that) n still can get away from that. But somehow... in these kind of environment... almost all of our protagonist is not like that... at all!. They are all actually using common sense, n (coincidentally) super strong. Making those character can be seen like a jewel among dirt...

As a consequence, they are not relate-able... not at all.

Art: Thanks God it's decent... and colorful... and the heroine somewhat radiating... but that's all. Lack of expression, lack of complex (combo n teamwork) battle scene despite bringing martial art theme.

Ah, how about the story? Mainly it's telling us about the adventure of the MC to becoming the strongest. But, unlike Vagabond who is full self contemplation journey and inner conflict, this is full of coincidental discovery. The coincidence is just so many so that we can conclude that a strong person is just mere coincidence. Is that represent a good story? To those who want a meaningful story... then it's just plain bad.

Score... N/A, because I still get hooked by the series despite of the weaknesses...

... Last updated on August 20th, 2015, 12:57am

interesting, but lacks moral.

Spoiler (mouse over to view)

people who are stronger will rule.. will hurt or kill others who is weaker. the one who is weak will train to be stronger. if you are strong, you'll be like by everyone

that kind of concept..
and the drawing of the characters lacks expression, I still, don't feel anything reading this manga.
that is what i get from reading first 18 chapters. and this is the second (1st suprnatural-action) manhua I read. (I more into manga, then manhwa). maybe i just, still don't know anything about manhua, but I don't recommend this manhua to you.

I hope it'll get better..

whoever gave this manhua 10/10 must be their first reading a series. This doesn't deserve 10/10, not even close to 8/10. 7/10 is the best rating it could get.
now I continue reading this, just because I started reading this (so i need to know its end), and hope it'll get better.
btw i haven't read the novel

... Last updated on July 21st, 2015, 10:41am

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